Legacy Documentation
You're viewing legacy documentation for API Fortress (deployed via an on-premises container).
To view documentation for the new SaaS version of API Fortress — now known as Sauce Labs API Testing and Monitoring (with Sauce Connect tunnels) — see
API Testing on the Sauce Labs Cloud.
4. Using The Vault, Variables and Environments
Using The VaultThe Vault is a unique part of the API Fortress platform. Not in terms of the idea, but in the flexibility offered by ours. It allows you to save, edit, and reuse almost anything. This can mean variables, code snippets (think reused authentication flows), or even data!The Vault has two levels, project and global, the project vault will allow use of stored values across any test within that project. Similarly the global vault will allow use of stored values across any test within any project.Using Variables and EnvironmentsIf properly setup any API Fortress test can be run against any environment. You’ll notice that is what we did in our functional test by turning the API URL into three separate parts – protocol, domain, and endpoint. This allows you to set the default location under Data Sets (in the left pane), but also you can override those amounts with the Environments tab (shown below).The Environments panel lets you change anything, not just environments. You can run the test against a certain environment, using a different API key, and datasource. This effectively allows you to have pre-set runtime variable overrides.
To learn more about The Vault and Environments see below links: Learn the Basics, Advanced Use Cases, Environments Basics, Environments Advanced