Legacy Documentation
You're viewing legacy documentation for API Fortress (deployed via an on-premises container).
To view documentation for the new SaaS version of API Fortress — now known as Sauce Labs API Testing and Monitoring (with Sauce Connect tunnels) — see
API Testing on the Sauce Labs Cloud.
The API Fortress expression language is mostly used to identify a path in a payload, or reference a variable. But there’s more to it.
A number of extensions are available to generate calculated data, determine the quality of a value and so on. These
extensions can be used in any field that can be evaluated, which means in all
expression fields, and all the fields where the value is wrapped in the
${…} brackets.
Given any array, you can ask the system to create a random subset of it. One typical usage is when an iterator would turn out to be huge, and you prefer to cherry-pick a few items.
The code above will return an array of 5 random elements off the
artists array.
A hands on example:
<each expression="payload.artists.pick(5)">
<assert-exists expression="_1.href" />
<assert-exists expression="_1.id" />
Similar to the pick(n), this method will pick one random item off an array, and return it.
This is the main extension. It supports many useful functions.
- composeUrl(base : String, params : Map) : String : creates a valid URL string based on these 2 params.
WSUtil.composeUrl('http://www.testurlwhatever.com/index',['page':1] )
Returns http://www.testurlwhatever.com/index?page=1
WSUtil.composeUrl('http://www.testurlwhatever.com/index?offset=5',['page':1] )
Returns http://www.testurlwhatever.com/index?offset=5&page=1
- exists(object : Object) : Boolean : an XML and JSON existence state is different by definition. Use this in an “if statement” if a test should work both with JSON and XML
- contains(substring : String, object : Object) : Boolean : returns true whether the string version of “object” contains the “substring” sub-string.
WSUtil.contains('banana', payload.fruit.name)
- isInteger(string: String) , isFloat(string: String), isUrl(string: String), isEmail(string: String), isPhoneNumber(string: String), isBoolean(string: String), isArray(object: Object), isMap(object: Object), isCreditCard(string: String) : Boolean : evaluate the nature of a data item
Utility functions for numbers.
- random(min: Int, max: Int) : Int : generates a random integer number between min and max.
- random(min: Int, max: Int, quantity: Int) : List : generates a list of random numbers
Plays with dates.
- nowMillis() : Int : returns the current Unix epoch in milliseconds.
- plusDays(millis: Int, days: Int): Int : returns the provided milliseconds, plus the provided number of days
- plusHours(millis: Int, hours: Int): Int : returns the provided milliseconds, plus the provided number of hours
- minusDays(millis: Int, days: Int) : Int : returns the provided milliseconds, minus the provided number of days
- minusHours(millis: Int, hours: Int): Int : returns the provided milliseconds, minus the provided number of hours
- format(millis: Int, format: String) : String : creates a timestamp with the given format, using the current timezone
- format(millis: Int, format: String, timezone: String) : String : creates a timestamp with the given format, based on the provided timezone id
- format(millis: Int, format: String, offset: Int) : String : creates a timestamp with the given format, based on the provided timezone offset
- parse(timestamp: String) : Int : tries to parse the provided timestamp and convert it in milliseconds. It will use current timezone if not provided
- parse(timestamp: String, timezone: String) : Int : parses the provided timestamp and coverts it in milliseconds with the provided timezone id
- parse(timestamp: String, offset: Int) : Int : parses the provided timestamp and coverts it in milliseconds with the provided timezone offset.
Here’s the conversion map for formats:
Symbol Meaning Presentation Examples
------ ------- ------------ -------
G era text AD
C century of era (>=0) number 20
Y year of era (>=0) year 1996
x weekyear year 1996
w week of weekyear number 27
e day of week number 2
E day of week text Tuesday; Tue
y year year 1996
D day of year number 189
M month of year month July; Jul; 07
d day of month number 10
a halfday of day text PM
K hour of halfday (0~11) number 0
h clockhour of halfday (1~12) number 12
H hour of day (0~23) number 0
k clockhour of day (1~24) number 24
m minute of hour number 30
s second of minute number 55
S fraction of second millis 978
z time zone text Pacific Standard Time; PST
Z time zone offset/id zone -0800; -08:00; America/Los_Angeles
Encryption utilities.