Below is a quick guide to setting up and using the Twilio connector.
Note: this connector does not come pre-loaded out of the box, and will need to be loaded separately. To learn how to load the connector into your API Fortress instance click here.
- Go to settings page
- Click on “Alert Groups”
- Create a new group or add a connector to an existing alert group
- Add a new connector
- Choose the Twilio connector
- Configure the connector
1. credentials: the api credentials for Twilio. Please use the formatAccountSID:AuthToken.
2. from: this is the number you own in Twilio where the messages and calls will originate from. Please use the format “+(country_code)#######” i.e. +15555555555 - Go into project settings for a project you would like PagerDuty alerts set up for
- Add the alert group that contains your Twilio connector to this project