1. In the host server, create a directory that will host your backup. In this example, it’s /var/local/backups but it can be anything. Make sure the directory has read/write permissions docker can use,
2. Run (change the directory according to your needs):
sudo docker run --rm --net apifortress --link core_apifortress-mongo_1:mongo.apifortress -v /var/local/backups:/backup mongo:3.0.14 bash -c 'mongodump --out /backup --host mongo.apifortress'
3. Run (change the directory according to your needs):
sudo docker run --rm --net apifortress --link core_apifortress-postgres_1:postgres.apifortress -v /var/local/backups:/backup postgres:9.5.5 bash -c 'pg_dump --dbname postgresql://apipulse:jk5112@ postgres.apifortress:5432/ apipulse > /backup/postgres.sql'
4. Access the /var/local/backups directory. You will find both an “apipulse” directory and a “postgres.sql” file. This is all your backup. You can now zip it and copy it wherever your backup procedures require. At this point we suggest you to clear the directory used for backup to have it empty for the next backup iteration.
Backup restore
1. in the core/ directory, stop all services by issuing:sudo docker-compose stop2. Remove all data files from your persistent volume on the host machine. EXTREME CAUTION: this will erase all your current data. Make sure that the backup you are going to restore is available. If unsure, just MOVE the current data to another location, 3. Activate MongoDB and PostgreSQL by issuing:
sudo docker-compose up -d apifortress-postgres sudo docker-compose up -d apifortress-mongo4. We will assume your backup is located in /var/local/backups. Run the following commands:
sudo docker run --rm --net apifortress --link core_apifortress-mongo_1:mongo.apifortress -v /var/local/backups:/backup mongo:3.0.14 bash -c 'mongorestore /backup --host mongo.apifortress'
sudo docker run --rm --net apifortress --link core_apifortress-postgres_1:5. Verify that files are now present in the persistent volume location of your host machine, 6. You can now start the platform by running the ./ script.postgres.apifortress -v /var/local/backups:/backup postgres:9.5.5 bash -c 'psql -h postgres.apifortress --dbname postgresql://apipulse:jk5112@ postgres.apifortress:5432/ apipulse < /backup/postgres.sql'